Mac vs windows for law school
Mac vs windows for law school

mac vs windows for law school

Thanks to solutions like Parallels, we can still use it, but using PC programs, even briefly, is a great reminder of how much better off we are using Macs. For instance, our Child Support Guidelines program in South Carolina falls into this category, and it’s something that we have to use all the time. What is the most frustrating thing about using a Mac in your practice? The most frustrating thing that I still encounter is having one rare mission-critical program that is Windows-only and not web-based.

mac vs windows for law school

There is rarely a learning curve with any Apple hardware or software, so I can spend more time practicing law.

mac vs windows for law school

I can be just as efficient and effective working on my 11-inch MacBook Air from a park bench as I can working at my desk with my 27-inch iMac Retina. What was the primary reason for using a Mac in your practice? Because Macs just work and they allow me to work from anywhere. The firm has been all-Mac for a long time. Benjamin Stevens, The Stevens Firm, PA Family Law Centerįirst up is THE Mac Lawyer himself, Ben Stevens, who runs The Mac Lawyer blog as well as his three-lawyer family law practice in South Carolina.For Part Two, I reached out to four of the most prolific and proficient Mac-using lawyers to ask how they run their practices on a Mac, so you can benefit from their insights. In Part One of this “all-Mac” series, “Still Want an All-Mac Law Office?,” we talked about what you need - hardware, software, cloud services and more - and how you can get your Mac law office going.

Mac vs windows for law school